Emily Constance
Hedger Williams


Emily Constance peacefully passed away on May 6, 2004 at 9:38 a.m. in Ramona CA, where she had been under hospice care since April 23, 2004. She was surrounded by love and family.
A "Celebration of Her Life" was held on Sunday May 9th, 2004 (Mother's Day - how fitting) in Ramona at Scott (grandson) and Dianna Krueger's.



In Canada they had little 'memorial' of their own while celebrating Mother's Day. They put up this picture (above), a couple of special angel candles, another frame of an baby angel that says "God sure knew what he was doing... when he gave me you." There were some roses and a few angel coins . . . It was simple and quiet, but meant a lot to everyone.


"I was holding her hand when she passed and I would not have been anywhere else for the world."
Dawn Dawson, granddaughter.
"There was certainly some divine intervention going on here that told me that I needed to go and visit her when I did" in March 2004.
Beverly Mulligan, great granddaughter.
Meeting Connie was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life.  She showed me what special stock I come from. 
Annemarie Halfpap 2nd cousin twice removed.


If you would like to add your tribute, please send an email to Annemarie at acousin@connectingcousins.com.
Include any pictures you would like.

Last updated January 13, 2014
Webmaster: acousin@connectingcousins.com