I’d like to dedicate “my” branch of this growing family tree to the memory of my dear cousin and friend Joan Knute, who died from cancer on January 29, 2000. Joan spent many, many hours researching our family history. I’m sad that she didn’t live to see the tree sprout new branches and begin to grow as much as it has this year. I can still hear the excitement in her voice as a new discovery was found or a thought she had on how one problem area could be solved. Joan not only worked on the ancestors, but the towns and places they lived at the time so she could better understand what kind of life they lived. It’s great to be in touch with Annemarie, Jo and Stephanie now. It’s ironic that in the past we could have met in person had we known each other existed. Annemarie lived in the San Diego area the same time as Joan did. I’ve spent a week in Surry close to where Jo lives and I’ve been to Brighton – if only for a night, but have been to London several times, once for 3 weeks when my husband was recovering from a heart attack he suffered on the last day of our trip to Europe. The discovery of our tree sprouting branches has resulted in cousins being connected and friendships developed that hopefully will enrich our lives. Marjorie